Pariparoba Tea great for Skin Care
Pariparoba - Piper umbellatum L.
Origin: Brazil
Used part: Stem, Leaf
Originally from the Atlantic Forest, the papiparoba belongs to the Piperaceae family and can be popularly known as cataié, santa maria, true caapeba, papiparobina, manjerioba or malvarisco. It has large rounded leaves, small yellow flowers that join in spikes, and its fruit is a small berry with edible seeds, being one of the favorite foods of the birds. Easily adapted to the media, although it prefers moist soils, it can be harvested at any time of the year. This practicality, together with the beneficial medicinal properties that papiparoba has, have made it widespread not only in the Atlantic Forest, but in all Brazilian soil, especially in Bahia, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo and São Paulo.
Health benefits:
With diuretic, anti-hemorrhagic, antimalarial, vermifuge and anti-inflammatory properties, the plant can be used for treatment of liver diseases, swelling, leg inflammation, urinary tract disorders, gastric and liver disorders, organic weakness in general, pain stomach upset, nausea, heartburn, gonorrhea, ulcers, epilepsy, minor burns, headaches, among other benefits.
The plant has essential oil in its leaves that is useful in aromatherapy. In addition, the treatment and control of free radicals have been studied through the pariparoba due to its antioxidant properties. Its use can also be done to protect the skin against the harm and immediate and chronic effects of solar radiation, as well as the reduction of elastin and collagen. It also helps combat anemia and improve digestion and can be used in the form of tea or poultice.
Good Herbal Remedy:
- Help treat liver and spleen conditions
- Anemia
- Stomach atony
- Gastric ulcers
- Heartburn
- Maldigestion
- Kidney disorder
- Erysipelas
- Scrofulosis
- Fever
- Intestinal fermentation
- Gastralgia
- Hepatitis
- Malaria
- Gonorrhea
- Epilepsy
- Constipation
- Colds
- Headaches
- Rheumatism
- Some tumors
- Wash wounds
- Put 2 tablespoons of herb to a liter of water
- Turn off when the water reaches boil
- Cover and leave the solution muffled for about 10 minutes
- Strain and drink
How to drink:
Take 2 to 3 cups a day.
Treatment with any form of pariparoba application is contraindicated in pregnant or lactating patients. Excessive consumption can lead to counter-expected effects and can cause even greater discomfort.