Add Myrrh to your Mouth Care Routine
Myrrh - Commiphora myrrha Engl.
Origin: Kenya
Used part: Resin
Myrrh is a plant belonging to the family Chenopodiaceae, and is also widely known as myrrh, frankincense and true myrrh. It is a thorny shrub that can reach up to 3 meters in height and is common in Arabia and northeastern Africa.
Scientific name Commiphora myrrha, the plant has scarce, terminal and trifoliate leaves, containing some small lateral leaflets and jagged at the tips. The fruit is brown, oval and is 7 mm long, being an oily plant with a bitter and acid taste, but a very characteristic smell.
The name is well known because of the presence of myrrh among the gifts of the three Magi to Jesus, which were gold, frankincense and myrrh. The plant was also used in mummification in Ancient Egypt and is known worldwide for its benefits.
Health benefits:
The parts used for medicinal purposes are the resins that are extracted when the plant is cut. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, stimulant, analgesic and aromatic properties.
Myrrh contains antiseptic, healing, antimicrobial, disinfectant, rejuvenating, astringent, topical analgesic, aromatic and stimulating properties, as well as anti-inflammatory properties for mouth and pharynx. Due to its medicinal properties, it is quite effective in treating infections of the skin and mouth. This plant also helps strengthen gums, skin rejuvenation (smoothes the appearance of wrinkled and aged skin) and in the treatment of acne, canker sores, ulcers and skin allergies.
The used part of the plant is the resin, which is exhaled when cut. It is also useful in the treatment of bruises, sprains, torticollis and neuralgia. The myrrh tincture is used in gargles and mouthwash to relieve sore throats, inflammation of the gums and mouth injuries. In addition, due to its antiseptic and astringent properties, this plant is also used to treat problems in the digestive system and also in the composition of cosmetic products, such as body deodorant.
Good Herbal Remedy:
- Sprains
- Bruises
- Torticollis
- Neuralgia
- Sore throat
- Inflammation of the gums
- Mouth injuries
- Bad breath
- Soft teeth
- Acne
- Aged skin
- Body deodorant
- Skin inflammations and ulcers
- Excellent natural insect repellent
The use of myrrh should be only external through mouthwashes and compresses. Oral use (internal) is not recommended in any case.
To prepare the mouthwash:
- Use 1 teaspoon of myrrh powder for 1 cup of boiling water
- Mix well and let stand for 10 minutes
- Remove from the heat, wait to soften and make mouthwash or compresses to apply in the affected region
Contusions and muscular pain, in addition to skin allergies, ulcers, acne, aged skin among others: use to moisten a cloth and make compress. Inflammation of the mouth, gingivitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and soft tooth: use to make mouthwashes twice a day. Like oil and flavoring, it can be used for meditation. It can be applied throughout the body in the form of natural repellent.
The use of myrrh can interfere with the treatment for diabetes because it has documented hypoglycemic properties. Therefore, it is necessary to have use accompanied by competent professional and continuous monitoring of the glycemia.
Its use is contraindicated for pregnant or lactating patients.