Lemon Verbena Tea great Anxiety Relief
Lemon Verbena Leaf - Verbena Triphylla L.
Origin: Brazil
Used part: Bark
Very common in Europe and North America, verbena is a medicinal plant often associated with grass weed. With a calming effect against nervousness and other stress-related intestinal or gastric disorders, the plant ended up being known as the raw material of a powerful infusion in the fight against these nervous problems. Using the dried leaves, verbena tea is able to soothe and relieve extreme pain with stress or nervousness. In the plant, its constituents are: essential oil, iridoid glycosides, tannins and bitter principles. It is worth remembering that in national territory, this medicinal herb is also known by the popular names Planta de Luck, Urgebão, Liver Herb and Iron Herb.
Health benefits:
Vervain is widely used as a natural remedy for treating anxiety and as a sedative against gastric and bowel disorders related to stress, such as gastritis and ulcer. Tea from this plant can also be a drug to relieve the symptoms of depression, combat insomnia, tachycardia and lack of appetite. Vervain may also help improve asthma symptoms, bronchitis, pharyngitis, and other breathing difficulties.
Because of its many properties, verbena tea can also be a good ally in combating conjunctivitis, as well as taking care of the proper renal function, softening cellulite, curing boils on the skin and assisting in the treatment of other health conditions such as rheumatism, fever, stomatitis and sinusitis. This plant can collaborate in the treatment of gallstones, spleen cancer, restlessness, acne, liver infections and burn.
Good Herbal Remedy:
- Control anxiety
- It soothes the symptoms of asthma, bronchitis and pharyngitis
- Helps in gastric problems, like gastritis, ulcer and thrush
- Nervous problems are the major reasons why this plant is used
- Difficulties in the proper functioning of the kidneys and breathing can be treated with verbena
- Gastrointestinal spasms can be softened with the effects of the plant
- Dyspepsia, conjunctivitis, rheumatism, sinusitis, fever, pharyngitis, stomatitis, insomnia and tachycardia are other examples of cases that may have a solution making use of the herb
- Complicated situations in the skin, such as boils, and cellulitis are also cured or softened, respectively, by the correct use of verbena properties
- Difficulty sleeping
- The appetite can be enhanced with the plant
- Add 2 tablespoons of herb to one liter of water
- Turn off when it reaches boil
- Remove from the heat and leave the pan (capped) to stand for 10 minutes
- Strain and drink
How to drink:
Take 2 to 3 times a day.
Contraindicated for individuals with thyroid problems, women during the menstrual period and pregnant. Side effects may include vomiting and hypothyroidism. It is important to consult the doctor before making use of natural remedies. Self-medication is usually more dangerous than it seems, since there is a possibility that there is some allergy to an ingredient contained in the herb, plant, root, etc. Make no mistake that, being natural, it will not hurt. Consult a nutritionist, dietitian or your usual doctor to make sure you can use verbena as a treatment and also ask the right amount for your case.