Uva Ursi (Bearberry) Leaf - Arctostaphylos Uva Ursi L.
Uva Ursi (Bearberry) Leaf - Arctostaphylos Uva Ursi L.

Uva Ursi (Bearberry) Leaf - Arctostaphylos Uva Ursi L.

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Uva Ursi for Urinary Tract Infection Treatment aid

Bearberry Leaf - Arctostaphylos Uva Ursi L.

Origin: Spain

Used part: Leaf


This curiously named plant, in fact, is the Ursina (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi L.), belonging to the family Ericaceae, also known as buxyl, arbutus, ursina, bear-grape and buúulo. This plant mainly inhabits the mountainous regions of Europe, Asia and North America; has earned the nickname "bear grape" (which originated the name uva ursi) because its fruit - which are berries of red color - has a taste that does not please the human palate very much, but rather pleases that of the bears that consume it too much.

Health benefits:

This plant has been used as an antiseptic and diuretic of the urinary tract for centuries, as teas form or leaf extracts. But its tea, to this day, is the highlight. Its green leaves that can be harvested at any time of year provide benefits to the human body through its tea. Grape tea ursi acts as a potent antiseptic, protecting the body from bacteria, and is indicated against diarrhea, dysentery and gonorrhea.

But it is in the urinary system that they give themselves the greatest benefits of ursi grape juice consumption: even severe renal inflammation is ameliorated by the frequent ingestion of the tea. Kidney stones are also countered, as are cystitis, problems in the prostate and urethra. Because it is a very effective diuretic, it prevents the body from accumulating excess water, preventing swelling. Therefore, water consumption should be increased on the days when the tea is being administered. Women with vaginitis or runny nose can also consume tea, which also helps in the treatment of throat inflammation.

Good Herbal Remedy:

  • Blenorrhages
  • Bladder catarrh
  • Cystitis
  • Renal calculus
  • Chronic renal inflammation (in this case, it is essential to follow a doctor, to "check" if the urine has alkaline pH)
  • Diarrhea
  • Dysentery
  • Inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract
  • Inflammation in the external or internal part of the mouth
  • Inflammation of the throat
  • Complications in the gut
  • Complications in the genitals (e.g. vaginitis, metritis, discharge, etc.)
  • Chronic inflammation of the prostate and urethra


  1. Put 2 tablespoons of herb to a liter of water
  2. Turn off when the water reaches boil
  3. Cover and leave the solution muffled for about 10 minutes
  4. Strain and drink

How to Drink:

Take 2 to 3 cups a day. For no longer than 15 days.


It is necessary to have redoubled attention and always seek the contraindications. In the case of Bearberry, who cannot consume tea: pregnant women, nursing mothers, children under 12 years and people with stomach sensitivity, stomach or duodenal ulcer.

Unfortunately, treatment with this tea should not last more than 10 or 15 days in a row (taking 2 or 3 cups a day), as overuse can lead to too much nausea, vomiting, convulsions, and even a breakdown. The treatment, of course, can be resumed later, but it has to come after a break in consumption for quite a while. Prolonged use (exceeding the established 10 or 15 days) can cause chronic damage to your liver and constipation; in pregnant women, can reach the dangerous picture of reduced blood supply to the fetus.

It is also important to note that if during the treatment with Bearberry tea you notice your urine with the greenish color, it is completely normal.